Shining Little Souls
Positive well-being and mindfulness for kids
As a qualified teacher and mama of four beautiful souls, I know first-hand how foundational positive well-being, a growth mindset and mindfulness are to the lives of our little ones.
Mindfulness is a daily choice and practice which grows over time. There are a range of strategies and tools that can be learned and practiced, which positively impact our day-to-day lives and well-being.
Shining Little Souls give kids a chance to be mindful and creative: combining circle time, craft, poetry, journaling, movement and meditation. It helps kids learn strategies to cultivate a positive growth mindset and mindfulness.
Shining Little Souls provides the following services for ages 5 - 12 :
Before and After School Sessions
K-6 Term long well-being sessions
Mindfulness & Positive well-being sessions school wide (K-6) where I come and teach each class for 40min 1 day per week (eg 8 sessions in a term)
Staff meeting professional learning on staff & student well-being
Strategies for school well-being (staff & students) creating a boutique well-being plan
School incursion for 1 day of mindfulness & Positive well-being sessions K-6
Holiday Workshops
1:1 Coaching
I also offer a gifted & talented day workshop for gifted students on:
Building Self Awareness
(Based of a unit of work I designed & taught for GERRIC UNSW in January 2023)
If you are interested in Shining Little Souls running before/after school sessions or incursions at your school, please reach out here
I also sell beautiful mindfulness products for kids- these can be found in the here.
If these principles resonate with you and your child I invite them to join in and shine their bright selves :)